Myths, hoaxes, misidentifications, misunderstandings, they
all have accounted for various cryptids, but every once in a while a cryptid
turns out to be real. Gorillas? Once thought to be fictitious monsters. But a
man-eating plant? Would you settle for small animal-eating plants? Those we
have. The question is why?
Question of the Day –
Why do some plants eat bugs?
Venus flytraps are active trap plants. They have a movement
that requires energy, and the movement of the trap is one stage - the prey is
digested by the part that moves. Much research has been devoted to the
mechanism of its fast trap closure, and many hypotheses are still floating
We do know that it takes about 1.5 milliseconds to transmit
the signal from the trigger hairs in the trap to the motor cells that close it. The signal is electrochemical, very similar to an action potential in an
animal neuron. Channels pump ions across membranes, and the difference
in the charges of each type of ion (sodium and potassium) cause an electrical
It seems that the electrical impulse causes water channels
to open across various cells near the base of the trap. Water pressure is
quickly changed from high to low and low to high in different layers of cells
and this cause shape changes. Different shapes cause different stresses, and
this closes the trap.
A relatively new hypothesis is that the open configuration
is full of elastic stress, so that when water pressures are changed between
layers of cells, there is an elastic snap to the closed state. The closing only
takes a 0.2 seconds. After that there is a slower portion that brings more
complete closing and the start of digestive enzyme secretion.
Other carnivorous plants have semi-active, two-stage traps.
The aquatic bladderwort is an interesting example. It is one of the smallest
carnivorous plants, with a trap that is just 10 mm wide at its opening. In
order to eat, bladderworts create a negative pressure inside the trap by pumping
out the water. A trap door maintains the negative pressure inside, but if the
trigger hairs outside the trap are touched, the door collapses and water + prey
are sucked inside. The trap door then assumes its original shape and the prey
is caught inside the trap (see video here).
Sundews are two-stage trap plants as well, having sticky liquid
drops perched atop small pedestals. The prey, maybe a fly, gets stuck in the
gummy drops. Only then does the tentacle slowly curl around the fly, becoming
an “outer stomach” as termed by Charles Darwin (see picture). The digestive
enzymes are secreted and the fly is no more.
A different species of sundew, Drosera
glanduligera, has a different kind of trap. A new study from Germany
shows that it has brittle hairs (called snap tentacles) at the edge of the trap
that when triggered, catapult the prey into the resin glue. The catapult is quicker
than the venus flytrap, occurring in less than 75 milliseconds. Only then will
the prey be slowly pull down toward the portion of the plant that secretes
In many of the plants, the digestive enzymes have started to
be identified. A 2012 paper from Germany has looked the protein portions of the
venus flytrap digestive fluid. It contains nucleases (digest DNA and RNA),
phosphatases (remove phosphate groups), phospholipases (break down fats),
chitinases (to digest the insect exoskeleton), and proteolytic enzymes (to
break down proteins). Most of these are derived from pathogenesis proteins, so
it is believed that digestion evolved from several self-defense processes.
There are 600 known species of terrestrial carnivorous
plants and 50 in the water, but scientists are now realizing that many more
plants use a mechanism similar to the Shepherd’s purse and can be considered at
least semi-carnivorous. Would you believe that tomato and potato plants have
sticky hairs that may trap aphids and other insects. They die and drop to the
ground around the stem. This enriches the soil and the plant absorbs the nutrients.
No matter the method of the trapping, the reason is the same; the plants need nutrients. Not glucose, proteins or lipids – they're photosynthetic for gosh sakes. They can make their own proteins, nucleic acids and fats from the carbohydrates they produce during photosynthesis. That is, they can if they have the correct additional materials.
Proteins are made of amino acids, and amino acids contain a
lot of nitrogen. Nucleic acids (DNA, RNA) are made from nucleotides, and these
include a lot of phosphorous. Many biomolecules and physiologic processes use
minerals like nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorous. These are the amin constituents
of the fertilizers humans add to the soil to help crops, flowers, and in my case - weeds, grow.
Carnivorous plants often live in nutrient poor
soil. Sandy soil (flytraps), tropical jungle soils (sundews), and Andean
mountain tops (bromeliad described below) are all mineral poor. In jungles, for
instance, most of the minerals are tied up in the huge trees, and such little
sunlight penetrates to the ground that few plants can live there; therefore,
there is little recycling of nitrogen and phosphorous in the topsoil. Eating
insects is just an adaptation to allow them to live where other plants can’t.
Many minerals are made available by digestion of insects. Carnivorous plants get 5-100 % of their seasonal
nitrogen and/or phosphorous gain, but only 1-16% of their potassium uptake. If
there is one nutrient these plants covet more than the others, it's the nitrogen.
Many plants acquire nitrogen from symbiotic bacteria around
their roots that fix nitrogen gas in the soil. Fixing means converting from gas
to a solid. Carnivorous plants do not have these advantages so they had to come
up with another strategy. However, help doesn’t always come from digestion
of insect prey.
When prey insects get stuck in the resin, they are consumed
by another animal. This consumer defecates either before or after its meal. The
feces are nitrogen rich remnants from a previous bug meal, so this is an
indirect mechanism for profiting from killing for a meal.
Another example of this is Puya raimondii, the world’s largest bromeliad. This plant is about
2-3 m tall, but when it flowers, the stalk may rise as much as 12 m! Birds can
live in its foliage and when they defecate, they provide nitrogen to the plant.
But P. raimondii has huge sharp
spines that can actually kill some of the birds. As the birds rot, they also
release minerals to be used by the tree; therefore, P. raimondii is semi-carnivorous.
It isn’t all death and destruction. Take the nepenthes
pitcher plants for example. These are the largest of the pitchers, holding more
than 2.5 liters of digestive fluids. Their pitchers are little ecosystems. Some
larvae, particularly a couple of species of mosquito, can survive ONLY inside
the pitcher liquid.
![]() |
don’t think I can do this picture justice. The only
things this
tree shrew lacks are a magazine and a
can of air
Poppinga, S., Hartmeyer, S., Seidel, R., Masselter, T., Hartmeyer, I., & Speck, T. (2012). Catapulting Tentacles in a Sticky Carnivorous Plant PLoS ONE, 7 (9) DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0045735
Buch, F., Rott, M., Rottloff, S., Paetz, C., Hilke, I., Raessler, M., & Mithofer, A. (2012). Secreted pitfall-trap fluid of carnivorous Nepenthes plants is unsuitable for microbial growth Annals of Botany, 111 (3), 375-383 DOI: 10.1093/aob/mcs287
Schulze, W., Sanggaard, K., Kreuzer, I., Knudsen, A., Bemm, F., Thogersen, I., Brautigam, A., Thomsen, L., Schliesky, S., Dyrlund, T., Escalante-Perez, M., Becker, D., Schultz, J., Karring, H., Weber, A., Hojrup, P., Hedrich, R., & Enghild, J. (2012). The Protein Composition of the Digestive Fluid from the Venus Flytrap Sheds Light on Prey Digestion Mechanisms Molecular & Cellular Proteomics, 11 (11), 1306-1319 DOI: 10.1074/mcp.M112.021006
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