Biology concepts – neuroendocrine, ovary, bilateral
asymmetry, internal asymmetry, absence asymmetry, hormones, ovulation
Engineering professors and even physicists at university
will teach you that glass is an amorphous liquid. The reason that windows in
extremely old buildings are thicker at the bottom is because the glass has had
time to flow. Nope.
Glass doesn’t have a crystalline lattice when solid, but it
doesn’t flow. The reason old windows are thicker at the bottom is because they
used to make glass panes by pouring molten glass on a wheel and spinning it.
The force would spread it out, but it would be thicker on the outside edges.
When the panels were cut for panes, they installed the thick side at the bottom
for stability. So there.
Finally, there were 13 original American colonies… or maybe
not. Delaware was swapped back and forth between Maryland and Pennsylvania.
Delaware didn’t come into existence as its own colony until the Revolutionary
War. It was known as the ”Three Lower Counties” from 1664 until 1776 and shared
a governor with Pennsylvania for the last 75 years of its existence.
Speaking of things that just aren't so, there are couple of things in the neuroendocrine system that most people think they know. There are asymmetries in every part of the endocrine system, ant the others are no exception to having exceptions.
But they are so much more. As part of the
neuroendocrine system, they are stimulated by hormones and neural impulses and
respond by releasing hormones of their own. Depending on the time in a woman’s
fertility cycle, they release various amount of estrogen, progesterone and even
The ovaries are paired organs like the testes of males, but
not all animals have two functioning ovaries. In the Greater Horseshoe Bat (Rhinolophus ferrumequinum), there is
only one functioning ovary, the right one, and it's 3-4x the size of the non-functional left ovary. On the other hand, the Natal Clinging Bat bat (Miniopterus natalensis) has only a left
functioning ovary and it is several times the size of the non-functional right
Single ovary examples also exist in the primitive fishes.
Lampreys have only one ovary as result of fusion of the two gonadal primordial
into a single functioning gland. Hagfishes have a single ovary simply because the other one doesn’t develop.
Many birds have one ovary – almost always the left one. A study from 2013 made use of very rare early bird fossils that preserved the
ovary tissue; preservation of soft tissue elements is indeed rare. They found
that these early fliers had already donated one ovary to the cause of
flying. The hypothesis is that dinosaurs
laid many eggs because they had two ovaries, but early birds sacrificed an
ovary to reduce weight and make it easier to fly.
The survival advantage afforded by flight offset the
disadvantage of fewer eggs, so it was basically a reproductive no harm, no
foul. These basal birds had already moved away from the reproductive mechanisms
of dinosaurs and present crocodilians toward more bird-like strategies. What
this doesn’t explain is why many raptors – like hawks and eagles, have two
functioning ovaries. A 2014 paper showed that the right ovaries were
functional and capable of responding to, and producing, estrogen and
Some birds of prey have two ovaries and some have one. In
some, the two are both functional and in others the right is vestigial. This
makes me wonder about the evolution of birds. Did the loss of an ovary occur
independently several times in different lineages? Or did it occur once in the progenitor of all birds, but some of the descendants evolved the second on again?
Kobus ellipsiprymnus) lives in
sub-Saharan Africa. It is related to antelopes, but differs in that the females
of waterbucks have only a left functional ovary.
The mountain viscacha (Lagidium
viscacia) is a rodent that lives in the rocky, high altitude,
mountainous regions of South America. It starts out with two functional
ovaries, but about the time of their first breeding season, the right ovary
overgrows, the left shrinks a bit; only the right becomes functional. The
exception in this exceptional animal is that if the right ovary is injured or
diseased, the left will grow and take over its functions. This doesn’t occur in
our other examples.
Similar to testes, there is also a functional asymmetry in
ovaries, and this is where we get into the major fallacy that people are taught
about the female reproductive system. We are taught that ovaries are good
sharers, they take turns ovulating, right-left-right-left, one each month.
No……it just ain’t so.
They can take
turns, but they usually don’t. And women who want to have children should be
glad that they don’t split the load equally. For humans (women mostly), there
is slightly less than 50% chance that the opposite ovary will release an egg in
the next cycle, according to a 2000 study. This means that side of ovulation is
basically random for any given month, but this doesn’t mean that every
ovulation has an equal chance of producing an embryo.
Another 2000 study showed just how unequal
ovulations can be. In thousands of ovulations tracked in fertile and infertile
women, 64% of pregnancies occurred after right ovary ovulations. In infertile
women treated with intrauterine insemination or in vitro fertilization,
pregnancy rates were low, as they always are. But if coordinated with
right-sided ovulation, they were twice as likely to produce pregnancies as when
compared to left-sided ovulations.
However, it isn’t just a right-sided ovulation that produces
the best odds of pregnancy; the series of previous ovulations matters as well.
If you were to monitor which ovary ovulated over three cycles, there would be
eight possible sequences: left-left-left, left-left-right, etc. all the way to
right-right-right. This is exactly what a 2011 study tracked, along with
pregnancy rates.
The researchers found that the pattern most likely to
produce a pregnancy was left-left-right. These results would need to be
repeated several times, especially since significant results are difficult to
assess when there are eight variables, but their numbers were very convincing. So asymmetry in the function of the ovaries
can have a very real affect on hormone levels and pregnancy rates.
Ovulation of a single follicle might be a 50/50 shot each
month, but over time the right side of the reproductive system in women seems
to be dominant. If the follicles were counted in each ovary (sort of a
permanent record of ovulations) of a woman late in her reproductive years,
about 62% of them will be on the right side.
Likewise, progesterone and estrogen blood levels are higher
during a right-sided ovulation cycle. This data, along with the pregnancy data,
indicate the female reproductive system is really right-side dominated. Why is
the right side dominant?
see this post).
There tends to be higher venous pressure in the left renal vein and so
this side drains slower.
If the blood moves out slower, then the corpus luteum
(the leftover follicle of ovulated egg) stays around longer, and this makes it less likely
that the left ovary will be ready to ovulate again the following month. Over
time, the right will have more follicles from ovulations. The hormone levels
would also be higher if carried out of the ovary faster, so this is probably
why plasma hormone levels are higher after a right-sided ovulation.
The right side dominance is likely to switch to
the left side later in a woman’s reproductive years because of the relatively
lower numbers of ova left on the right side. This may be why it is less likely
that a woman will become pregnant in her later years.
In most mammals, right and left ovaries are about
the same size (given the exceptions of mountain viscacha and waterbuck we
talked about above). But in humans, this is merely how they start out. Later in
the reproductive years, there is often an acquired
size asymmetry.
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A dichotic listening test is
for attention and picking out one
noise precisely. Most
people have a right ear advantage (REA)
for speech because the
speech centers are on the left side of the
brain. Research shows
that women have a reduced REA compared
to men and it is affected
strongly by estrogen and progesterone
(2011). This may be so that
they will focus in less on one sound
and might then be able to
pick up on distress from their baby.
Over time, the number of follicles increases and the size of
the ovary increases. More right-sided ovulations (since the right side drains
faster and therefore means it can be ready to ovulate again the next month)
means that it enlarges more than the left, and a size asymmetry develops.
Hormones, number of ovulations, pregnancy rate – there isn’t
anything about the ovaries that isn’t asymmetric – and yet people are taught
that they have a symmetric size and function. Right-left-right-left.... yeah sure.
Next week, asymmetries abound in the human body, but they're usually a little here a little there. But what if every organ in you body turned out to be on the wrong side?
For more information or
classroom activities, see
Not too many classroom
activities for ovaries and hormones, but here's a link to a series suggested by Matthew Knoepke:
I am also impressed by the idea of using a pomegranate as a model for the human ovary.
I am also impressed by the idea of using a pomegranate as a model for the human ovary.
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