Biology concepts – chimeras, microchimerism, autoimmunity,
tolerance, self, rejection, graft vs. host disease, HLA, Rh factor
We all know about the dangers of organ transplant; the
replacement organ isn’t yours, so your body might try to destroy it (immune
rejection). Your cells have human
leukocyte antigen (HLA) proteins in a pattern that identifies you; cells
with a different pattern of HLAs is non-self and will be attacked by your
immune system (see this post).
In order to reduce the chance of organ rejection, doctors
look for a donor that has similar HLAs to the recipient. You have six different
HLA proteins on each cell (A, B, C, DP, DQ, DR). For just A, B, and C, you have
over 25 billion possible combinations, although some are rare and some are much
more common.
The take home message is that the closer the match between
donor and recipient, the less chance there will be of rejection. Over time,
science has found out that A, B and DR are the most important for organ rejection – of course you have two alleles of each, one from mom and one from
dad, so it can still be tough to find a six antigen match.
For two siblings, there is a 50% chance that they will have
three alleles (antigens) match, and a 25% chance that all or none will match. For
a non-related donor, a six-antigen match is about 1 in 100,000. Of course,
nothing is guaranteed; six antigen matches have been rejected, while some zero
antigen matches have worked out perfectly.
Now let’s try to mesh our discussion of rejection and GVHD
with what we talked about last week – some dizygotic twins carry cells from
each other; they are chimerics. Dizygotic (DZ) twins are no more related to each other than
any two siblings, and they often can’t donate organs for one another. So, why
doesn't a chimeric person reject some of his/her own cells, just like in rejection or GVHD?
We talked about many cases of people with different genetic
profile cells in their body – this would mean they had different HLA profiles
as well, yet they're not rejecting each other.
There must be more to it.
Just when does a body decides what is self and what is non-self
is important in why chimerics don’t attack, or are attacked by, their twin’s
cells. The fetus starts to develop T lymphocytes around 14 weeks of gestation
and this is much after the formation of chimeras.
The immune system develops tolerance to self over time, and
a chimera has different cells before tolerance is determined. The developing
fetus sees the chimeric cells as self. But can you think of a situation where
the organism already has decided what is self and then cells with a different
profile show up? It’s a lot like a transplant, but it’s naturally occurring. The answer - pregnancy.
This is especially dangerous in the next pregnancy, if that next baby is also Rh+. The mom has been
sensitized and antibodies will cross the placenta and attack the baby’s RBCs.
Mom is given RhIg (anti-anti-Rh antibodies; think about it) to bind up her
anti-Rh antibodies and keep them from attacking the baby. Yes, antibodies cross
the placenta; that’s how babies have a bit of immunity immediately after they
are born. They start to make their own antibodies about 3-6 months after delivery (except IgM, they make a little of this in the womb).
Most people believe that the placenta is a barrier that
keeps all the mom’s immune cells (not just the Rh recognizing ones) from
attacking the genetically different baby. And to a certain extent this is
correct. The placenta is an immune privileged
site. Most things don’t get through and this protects the baby from the mom’s
immune system. It works well enough that some women can choose to be a
gestational surrogate – an egg from a different mom, fertilized with a male
gamete, is transferred to her and she carries the baby to delivery. The baby is
nothing like her genetically, but the pregnancy most often goes off without a
In just about every pregnancy (maybe every one) some of
mom’s cells end up n the fetus and some of the fetus’ cells end up in mom. The
number is low, less than 1% of the baby’s cells will be genetically mom’s, so
it is called microchimerism.
Some of the cells that get through are likely to be stem cells, and since we
can find them in people many years later, they must take up residence and live there – this isn’t
like getting a blood transfusion and having a few cells that are different
genetically for just a short time. The cells can live there at least 40 years
(probably longer). There are different types of microchimerism, depending on
where the cells come from and where they end up, and they might have a big impact on
health. Let’s look at the types –
Fetal Cell
Microchimerism (FCM) – It is a well known fact that women who give birth
are less likely to have breast cancer. The reasons for this are a bit up in the
air, but one hypothesis is that reproductive hormones increase your chance of breast cancer, and
women who have had a baby had an interruption of those hormone cycles while
they carried the baby. This reduces their overall chance (breast feeding
prolongs the disruption, so it might reduce chances even more).
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The easiest way to discover
microchimerism? Look for a Y
chromosome in women who have
given birth to boys (X on the
left, Y on the right). One
recent study found Y DNA in a new
mom’s brain! And
microchimerism may mean something.
A 2014 study found higher FCM
in mom leads to longer survival
– less cancer and less heart
There may be other effects as well. The first studies on FCM
and mom’s health were done while investigating scleroderma, an autoimmune
disease. Scleroderma hits more post-menopausal women, after they have had kids.
Early studies found that women with scleroderma were more likely to have higher
levels of FCM, and they found that the fetal cells were often in the skin,
where scleroderma strikes.
So, is FCM helping or hurting mom? A later study stated that FCM might actually protect mom from scleroderma, but that if the
women had cells from their own mothers
they were more likely to contract scleroderma. And a newer study of maternal
thyroid autoimmune disease found that the healthy controls had more FCM
than in women with Grave’s disease or Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. The fetal cells
were also more likely to be in the vessels and the thyroid follicle cells. Are
they there to repair damage from the immune system? Or to induce more
Maternal microchimerism
(MMc) - Yes, you read that correctly above, babies (even when grown up and are moms themselves) can harbor cells from their mothers. In some babies, this may
not work out so well. It may be why they end up with juvenile (type I)
diabetes, since some studies show kids with diabetes have more MMc.
Mom’s stem cells might infiltrate the
pancreas and differentiate to become the islet cells that make insulin. This may
induce an immune reaction to mom’s cells which then, through molecular mimicry
(one looks enough like the other), switches to an attack on the baby's own islet cells. It can’t just be from attacking
the mom’s cells as islets because not every islet cell is from mom – there must
be a switch in the attack to cells that look similar.
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A 2014 study says that while
FCM should promote fitness in
the baby and MMc should promote
mom’s fitness, but there
can also be issues when it
comes to limited resources and
sibling rivalry. More FCM
could put off another pregnancy
and keep more food for the
first baby. There be more as well
in tying the mother more to
one offspring than the other.
Maternal Transfer
Microchimerism – This is the weird one. Imagine cells transferred from baby
to mom. Then later mom gets pregnant again, and some of the cells of the first
baby end up in the second baby. Now the siblings are microchimeras to each
other. One study showed that DZ twins with two placentas and two
amniotic sacs still had cells from one another – they must have been passed
through the mother.
Another study showed a woman who had not given birth had
cells of different profile, but not her mom’s cells; they were from an older
sibling. The cells must have moved from sibling to mom to her. And yet another paper found male (XY) cells in umbilical blood
of female child – they could only have gotten there by transmaternal passage. Are we
all carrying cells from somebody else??
Next week – the weirdness of DZ twins continues. Just what determines if two babies are twins? Over the next three posts we'll see that no decent definition exists.
For more information or
classroom activities, see:
HLA system –
Rh factor –
Microchimerism -
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